Strange Dating Emails: My New Friend Ekaterina

24 May

Just today a tiny bit of gold dropped into my inbox masquerading (badly) as a first contact email. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on the day) I have seen a lot of emails through and they all come in in a similar format.

Sample email
Sample email

But today I got one that looked a little different. OK, a lot different.

Ekaterina wants to be my friend!
Ekaterina wants to be my friend!

In case you can’t quite read it, here is the text of the email.

From what little experience I have corresponding with women to whom English is a second language, it sounds legit from strictly a spelling/grammar/phrasing standpoint.

But from a “looking like a legit. email they fail completely. Still I enjoyed it. It has provided a modicum of of entertainment on a long holiday weekend. So if she looks like a good match, do drop her a line and say hi. Although Ekaterina is a cheerful and optimistic girl, she sounds lonely, what with all her “with not patience await[ing] letter from you.”