Releasing My Carpal Tunnel

28 Jun

I’ve been in the computer biz since 1992. I’ve worked with a lot of people in serious pain from RSI. People wearing wrist braces for years. Addicted to pain killers and lots of stories of painful surgeries and months of physical therapy to fix it.

I have dodged that bullet, till now.

My left Hand

Yep, Tuesday around 10AM I was slumbering peacefully under some lovely medication at St. Davids Hospital surgical center while my doctor visited indignities on my hand to correct my carpal tunnel syndrome.

No physical therapy or braces and the drugs kill the pain without making me feel like a freshman after his first frat party.

The doctor has been great, wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to anyone.

Those of you who know me know that I am a southpaw, yes that is my left hand. Doing simple things has been difficult. Ever driven a stick shift with only your right hand?

Don’t worry, no more gross pictures, I go back to work tomorrow.