Strange Dating Emails: Most Sexiest Creature

6 Feb

As luck would have it a new friend I met through consented to forward to me an email from a potential suitor. I think it is important to note that this rather lengthy email was his very first contact. So presented below is his best foot forward. The email that will make her unable to resist the temptation to fire off a response eagerly anticipating his next meticulously crafted message.

To me it has the whiff of a form letter, spelling and grammar errors not withstanding. Having just completed the first watching of my Deadwood complete series DVD box set, it seems somehow reminiscent of trying to write in a form that is badly attempting to be somewhere on the same planet as David Milch.

I have inserted a few line breaks for readability’s sake. It is otherwise unedited.



So if you ever wonder why you (yes, you) don’t get a response to your email this joker is one of the reasons.