Strange Dating Emails: Not All Officers Are Rejects

13 Feb

I have often said that I would be delighted to give up doing the online dating thing forever. Here’s one reason why I would say such a thing.

Because of my (ahem) experience with online dating I have written a seemingly endless number of profiles. In an attempt to be unique and different and to feed into that one thing that all women mention in their profile as very important to them, (“make me laugh”) I decided several months ago to try a funny list. A list of reasons why you (the female reading this list) should go out with me (the really cool guy that you really should meet). I am currently up to eighty-seven reasons. The original is over here. Pay particular attention to number seven.

For the 99.99 percent of you who didn’t click here’s number seven

I don’t watch “Cops” and no one I know has ever been ON “Cops”

The whole “profile as a silly list” thing seems to be doing it’s job: attracting women. Anyone who reads it should come away with at least my attempt to be funny.

How many of you take that line to to mean that I am saying something bad about law enforcement officers? Well someone did. This showed up in my email today.

If I run into a profile that I don’t like I usually just move on to the next one. But this woman, who by the way lives well over 200 miles from me (way out of my stated 20 mile dating range) feels the need to tell me that “not all officers are rejects.”

I’m so glad she cleared that up.