Strange Dating Emails: The Psycho From Texas

6 Aug

It’s been a while since I posted any strange dating emails. A few years in fact. What can I say, I’ve been busy with other things. Not to mention that I have gotten better sorting out the dysfunctional ones. But sometimes you let your guard down and one slips through.

This one is one of my own, it happened today, it’s fresh in my mind. Said mind still trying to figure out
“what happened?”

This particular woman responds to my profile on It’s a somewhat expanded version of this blog posting.


Oddly enough just the other day I was talking to another lady prior to our first date. She mentioned that she had been so entertained by my profile that she printed it out and brought
it to dinner with friends. It seems that I was the hit of the dinner party. The profile was read out loud to much laughter. In fact one of the single guys there decided it was time to update his own profile and a couple of the (married) women said that she better meet me. That meeting has been tentatively scheduled for tomorrow.


Anyway I get this first contact email from (let’s call her) J in response to my obviously witty, fun and hilarious profile.


OK she did a couple of things right. She tied some part of my profile into her first contact email: the line in my profile offering to subnet your network and that I ride horses. Yeah the line about a horse giving hugs and kisses is a little strange but no more so than some of the others I have seen. What is extremely strange is that she offers up her full name and two phone numbers. Hell it is not unusual for a woman to give you only a made up first name only and insist that she call you with caller ID turned off.

But I ignore all of this. Why? Because I don’t do long distance dating. She lives in a town over 3 ½ hours away.



For some reason, lately, I have been getting a lot of email from women too far away. I never have figured out why. At the top of every profile it gives your acceptable dating range:

[…]within 25 miles of Austin, Texas, United States

Not surprisingly I get a response to that. Usually it is an “I understand, thanks for responding.” type of email but not this one.



In a moment of weakness my curiosity gets the best of me.



About an hour later her response arrives. It contains one thing, a single smiley face. A little while after the smiley face I get this one.



I guess her spelling teacher was Dan Quayle.

I have pontificated ad nauseum about first dates with women you meet on the internet. So my response should not be too surprising.



OK so maybe I should have avoided the descriptions and explanations of why I don’t have a meal with a first date. Maybe something like “I prefer that first dates are quick and easy, just a drink somewhere.” But noooooo I have to be Mister Big Explaineypants. I should have expected a bad reaction. But really does it warrant the nuclear option?



Here I am stunned and gasping for breath. Not only did she take exception to my personal preferences
she also took it upon herself to provide instruction in what is wrong with me. Not to mention how much cooler she is.

Tempted as I am to fire off a brief but satisfying flame (one featuring some hurtful words of the
rude and ill-considered variety). Instead I decide, “Nope I be more growed up than that.”



Boy that felt good

Yeah it is rushed and some of my points are poorly made but still, there is nothing quite like calling someone an ignorant asshole. Especially if you take seven paragraphs of explanatory text to do so.

Can I say it again? Boy that felt good.

After firing this off I sit back and wonder about my tendencies to be a complete asshole myself. Often without being fully aware of said ass-holiness. So I send this whole email thread off to a lady friend I met online years ago in New Jersey. She has a fair amount of experience with the online dating thing. Not to mention lots of experience in calling me an asshole when I so richly deserve it. Her response?



See what you miss out by not doing the online dating thing?